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Tech Engineering

It's been another whirlwind week at, and the landscape has shifted considerably. With Calguns back in operation, we've noticed a significant change in our site's metrics—sign-ups and new posts have slowed, a testament to the strong loyalty members hold for Calguns.

Despite this shift, the fluctuation provided us an opportunity to refine and improve. We've addressed several issues that emerged during the surge in traffic, applying throttles—common in cloud-native applications—to maintain service quality and speed.

Now, with these challenges managed and throttles updated, we're poised to focus on growth once more. Changes in storage and bandwidth management, supported by new sponsorships, have opened new avenues for us.

However, the competition remains formidable. Calguns, despite its UX challenges, maintains an active marketplace. Our strategy will be to continue refining our features to enhance user convenience. The introduction of Sub-Regions has already shown promise, with quicker sales transactions by connecting buyers and sellers more efficiently within their local areas.

Thanks to the support from our patrons and advertisers, we've reached new milestones in service provision, positioning us to sustain site operations and further development. Another area we'll be working on is our documentation to clean things up and make an easier path to onboarding.

Looking forward, while the immediate growth spurt has tempered, the foundations laid by our community's support are strong. remains well-prepared for future opportunities. We're grateful for the journey thus far and eager to embrace what comes next, confident in our platform and the community that makes it thrive.

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